Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Animated Flash Tag Cloud For Blogger | Requested by GULFRIN

You can now easily display the tags of your blog in a more attractive way, by showing all the tags/labels in a flash box which will start revolving as soon as mouse cursor is placed on the widget. You can see the example of this widget in this blog itself.

"Blogumus" is an Flash based tag cloud widget which uses scripts converted from Roy Tanck's WP Cumulus plugin for Wordpress.

Initially I thought that as now these labels are being shown in flash widget so it may not be search engine friendly, but after looking at the source code, I came to know that it will not make these labels inaccessible to any search engine.

If your visitors do not have java script/flash enabled in their browsers, then it does degrade relatively gracefully, but label links will still be click able (though not animated) for those who do not use JavaScript of Flash (including search engine spiders).

How to install Blogumus in your Blogger layout

Although there are some difficult methods available on Internet, but by following this method the task becomes surprisingly simpler !
You can copy paste the code as it is, or change the code before pasting into your blog HTML as per your requirements.
By default the flash widget will be in white background, with gray labels/text, and of dimensions 240x300. And all these can be changed so as to suit your blog's layout and colors.

To start with:
Go to the LAYOUT section, and click on EDIT HTML.
Now find this line/code:

<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>

And immediately after this code line, paste these code lines(in new line):

<b:widget id='Label99' locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<div class='widget-content'>
<script src='http://halotemplates.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-cumulus-example/swfobject.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<div id='flashcontent'>Blogumulus by <a href='http://www.roytanck.com/'>Roy Tanck</a> and <a href='http://www.bloggerbuster.com'>Amanda Fazani</a> via <a href='http://bloggerstop.net'>BloggerStop.Net</a></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so = new SWFObject(&quot;http://halotemplates.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-cumulus-example/tagcloud.swf&quot;, &quot;tagcloud&quot;, &quot;240&quot;, &quot;300&quot;, &quot;7&quot;, &quot;#ffffff&quot;);
// uncomment next line to enable transparency
//so.addParam(&quot;wmode&quot;, &quot;transparent&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tcolor&quot;, &quot;0x333333&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;mode&quot;, &quot;tags&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;distr&quot;, &quot;true&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tspeed&quot;, &quot;100&quot;);
so.addVariable(&quot;tagcloud&quot;, &quot;<tags><b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'><a expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'><data:label.name/></a></b:loop></tags>&quot;);
so.addParam(&quot;allowScriptAccess&quot;, &quot;always&quot;);
<b:include name='quickedit'/>

Then preview your template. If installed correctly, you should see the tag cloud appear in your sidebar. Then you are free to save your template, edit the colors and dimensions as required, or move it to a different location. That's all!

NOTE: You must have already added labels to at least some of your posts, to see the widget in action.


admin said...

Fantastic but now how will i change the dimension?

Arham said...

what u mean by dimension dude

Nikhil said...

This code does not work on my blog. Can there be some particular reason for the same?

Arham said...

dude give your blog link so i can see the problem

Nikhil said...


Nikhil said...


Arham said...

hi nikhil

I think you are not able to find This below code :-

<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>

I suggest you to try finding code related to it like these u can see below :-

<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar1' preferred='yes'/>


<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar2' preferred='yes'>


<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar3' preferred='yes'>

Than paste the script from the above post according to your requirement

Nikhil said...

I have posted the script in the exact location you have m,entioned above..

which is probably why the widget is appearing there.. I am also able to guage that there is a flash component embedded therein..

however it does not load or display any data which is the reason for my query.